Sickness and exclusion
If your child is ill, please do not bring them to Pre-School even if they want to come. Please make sure they stay at home for 48 hours after the last bout of sickness and diarrhoea. Please inform us if your child is absent with any contagious infections. It is very important for us to know if your child has any allergies.
If your child is going to be absent for any reason, please contact us on 07722 942918 or before 9am where possible. Please note that we can only administer medicines that have been prescribed by the doctor, in their original containers with the dosage clearly labelled. Parents must give prior written consent for us to administer medication. Please ask your key person for a form if the need arises.
We work hard to prevent the spread of infections by:
1) Ensuring high standards of personal hygiene and practice, amongst our staff and the children in our care; particularly hand washing
2) Maintaining a clean environment
3) Following the ‘Guidance on infection control in schools and other childcare settings’ as published by the Health Protection Agency.